
Presentations & Appearances

Please contact me through the email link below if you are interested in having me do a presentation for your writing group.

Developing Your Brand...and Beyond

This presentation is 75-90 minutes and includes explicit information to guide participants through the process of developing their brand, writing an "elevator pitch branding statement", as well as marketing guidelines from 6 months pre-launch to post launch.

Every Character is the Hero of His/Her Own Journey

This workshop can be modified. I have taught this as a 6 week class at Southern Methodist University's Extended Education program in Creative Writing. I have also taught condensed versions at writing groups. It is adaptable for your group's needs.
Email Me For More Information

You can find me around at various signings and presenting to writing groups. Below is where I’ve been and where I’ll be, including links to virtual events.

With Diane Kelly at Buxton Village Books in Buxton, NC on the Outer Banks.

Noir at the Bar at Yonder in downtown Hillsborough. 114 W King St, Hillsborough, NC 27278

Reading from 3-4:30 at the Hillsborough Library

I will be attending the Bouchercon book signing event on Friday November 1, 2019, in Dallas, Texas.

Hyatt Regency Dallas

300 Reunion Blvd.

Dallas, Texas 75207


Event Details

Sunday October 20 (2-4pm, High Point Public Library)


How do you get the word out about your book(s)? Guest speaker Melissa Bourbon/Winnie Archer, co-author of The Tricked Out Toolbox: Promotion and Marketing Tools Every Writer Needs, explains how to pick and choose which strategies and tactics will serve you best.

Reading on Friday night- 6 PM.

Book Signing on Saturday- 10-4.


Join the Friends of the Orange County Public Library for a celebration of the authors who have their roots in Orange County! Meet authors, attend readings, and buy signed books in a dealers room featuring Purple Crow Books!

This year our line up will feature:

Jill McCorkle
Steven Petrow
Anna Jean Mayhew
Dee Stribling, Hillsborough Poet Laureate
David Menconi, 2019 Piedmont Laureate
J.G. Hetherton
James Maxey
Emily Buehler
Afrocentric Books / JS Emuakpor
Morrow Dowdle
Max Dowdle
Elizabeth Hein
Suzanne Adair
Samantha Bryant
Shannon Fitzgerald
Erika Shearin Karres
Shannon Fitzgerald
James Maxstadt
Bonnie Kirk
Eryk Pruitt
Melissa Bourbon / Winnie Archer
Diane Kelly
Thomas Fenske
Peter Guzzardi
Celeste Shirecliffe
Tamara J Aycock
Alexis Thomas (McCambry)
N.A. Granger
Donna D. Vitucc

Melissa moderated this Cozy Mystery Panel with fellow mystery writers Diane Kelly, Amber Royer, Gina Nelson/Rebecca Adler, and Wendy Lyn Watson.